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An age old problem...Relationship issues have been in existence since, well, the beginning of existence, and there have been numerous books, movies, commentary, among other things that have attempted to dissect this critical and complicated relationship. Many of these resources give us tips, insights, and suggestions on how we can attain and maintain the ideal relationships most of us dream of, but often they only scratch the surface of what relationships are all about.
In Stephanie Kekeocha's revised 9-part series, "God, Why Am I Not Married?" 9 Reason You Might Be Single, she gives thought-provoking and insightful answers to these age-old problems from God's perspective. Unlike many relationship improvement resources, she traces these problems back to their spiritual origin to eradicate them at the source. Her deeply spiritual and foundational approach marks the path for establishing the happy and healthy relationships most of us long for which begins with understanding ourselves first. Stephanie Kekeocha is a certified life and relationship coach and uses each book in her series to highlight one reason you might still be single or struggling in your marriage. At the end of each book are questions for single and married women to help determine if the proposed reason applies to them, along with practical steps towards freedom and renewal if it does. This series is sure to change the way you see relationships, yourself, God, and how all of these things are connected. If you've been searching for serious answers about your relationship struggles, whether married or single, with this series, you've found them. "Sometimes the truth is hard to hear but if you really want it, these books are where you will find it." -Jasmine from Minnesota |
Reason #1: Unanswered Prayers
Have you been praying for a spouse or better marriage and God doesn't seem to be listening?
Does your unmet desire for companionship feel like a plague on your life? Are you on the edge of losing or have lost your faith because of it? Reason #1 in this series explores the source of our desires for companionship and why God gave us a need for something He doesn't always fulfill. It reveals common misconceptions and the hidden pitfalls of desire and how they often prevent us from receiving the very things we pray for. After reading this book, you will understand that when God says "no," there is always a profound reason. And furthermore, once those reasons are addressed, we position ourselves for great blessings. If you're interested in grabbing your desires by the reigns and making them work for you, reason #1 in this series is an absolute must-read.
Reason #2: The Creation of Eve
Many of the difficulties women encounter when it comes to meeting the right partners and even in marriage stem from a lack of identity. As women, this is such a huge problem that it's one of the underlying causes of almost all the struggles we face throughout our lives. Due to this lack of identity, it's not uncommon for us to try and shape ourselves into what the world and others expect from us which consequently leads to us not learning about who we are for ourselves.
In the second installment of the "God, Why Am I Not Married?" series, Stephanie Kekeocha dissects the origins of a woman's identity, what the value of womanhood really means, and how women were specially designed to function within relationships. She reveals that before a woman can truly understand what attracts a loving partner and how to make a relationship work, she must first understand herself. Read this book and see the power an authority of womanhood in a whole new light.
Reason #3: Heal Me!
Are you expecting your spouse to heal your emotional wounds?
A better question is, how would you know if you were? In Reason 3# of this thought-provoking series, Stephanie K. reveals that our desire for love and companionship may not be all that it appears to be. She explains that for many, a need for healing lies hidden within their powerful desire for a spouse, which she believes probably kills more relationships than cheating. She lays out in great detail what a deeper search for healing looks like within relationships and how it can bring relationships to a breaking point. She also guides readers step-by-step through the process of true healing, revealing her own painful journey along the way. By the end of this installment, she reveals that fully embracing the love we were designed to receive is great but that it doesn't hold a candle to being mentally and emotionally free. If true transformation is what you've been looking for, don't pass up the opportunity to read this book. |
Reason #4: The Sacred Doorway
Of all the ways we can feel alone in our trials and struggles, such isn't the case when it comes to sex. In fact, sexual struggles are so common, in and outside the church, that many believers remain in vicious, self-destructive cycles, unaware of the power available to us to overcome.
In Reason #4 of this series, certified life and relationship coach Stephanie K. brings her gift of insight to the topic of sex and turns common beliefs about sex and sexuality on its head. She shows that knowledge is definitely power as she explains why God created sex, what it actually does to us in the spirit, and how it affects men and women differently. She leaves no leaf unturned while tackling sexual abuse, masturbation, and sexuality in popular culture and believes that in-depth knowledge is where we can gain the willpower to be victorious in the face of sexual temptation. So, whether you struggle to refrain from sex while single or struggle to enjoy or exercise self-control in your marriage, Reason #4 will leave no doubts as to the sacredness of sex. If you've ever stuggled with sex, have questions, or simply want to enter marriage with the right frame of mind about sexuality, this book was written for you. |
.....because you don't see the gift in singleness
.....because you don't know how to follow and let him lead
.....because you are looking for the wrong things in a spouse
.....because you have the wrong idea about marriage
.....because you don't see the bigger picture
"Great book, written by a super nice lady. Note: this book isn't just for singles, and her other book, wasn't just for women. Thank you Stephanie for being true, simply by being you !!!!! " -Darlene from Illinois |
"Even though this book is for women, I got a lot out of it too. I see my wife and my role in her life much differently. Thank you Stephanie." -Tom from Denver |