Personal Development &
Improving Communication &
Self-Care & Setting
Self-Care &
What Every Child NeedsDo you struggle with parenting, connecting with your child, establishing firm rules, or consistent discipline? Do you feel unsure of what your child or teen needs, how to communicate with them, or instill the values you want them to have? Is your relationship with your adult child filled with tension and arguments, and you are unsure of how to improve things? Get valuable tips and perspective with our newest parenting course. This course offers insights and practical tools to transform your parenting and teach parents the importance of self-care, self-love, and continued growth.
Marriage Prep & Improvement WorkshopWith divorce rates on the rise and the struggle of dating and maintaining relationships an ongoing topic of conversation on social media, everyone has an opinion about what the source of the problem is. From social misconceptions to sexist ideology and trauma, it is easy to join our finger-pointing culture or lose hope altogether of finding love and companionship. However, with this workshop, you'll get an in-depth look into the real problems on both sides, what it takes to prepare for and keep a relationship together, what kind of relationships to hold on to, and which ones to let go of.